Do you still feel anything?

Welcome to LIFE STUDIES.The website of producer, dramaturge and dance scholar Marc Wagenbach

all my life, in my artistic as well as academic work, I have been searching for a science of feelings – a new study of life. Today, I want to take you on a journey. It is the Emerge of a new field of resaerch: welcome to world of LIFE STudies.

life studies

Life Studies combines cultural theories, social activism, spiritual praxis, artistic research and personal coaching.

It integrates three thematic blocks: personal archives, reflection, knowledge transfer.

PERSONAL ARCHIVES: The idea of personal archives come back from my long practices in working with cultural heritage, collective and individual memory and the question of documenting the ephermal especially in dance and performance art.

REFECTION: My interest in reflection processes comes from ethnographic practice and artistic research (counter-archives) and the complex textures of documenting everyday life’s performance. In my research, the reflection of personal archives aims to create new ways of narration and thus storytelling in a creative process to enrich the understanding of past experiences and personal situations.

KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER: The aspect of knowledge transfer is the final and third step in establishing a unique methodology in the new field of life studies. This transfer of old habitual states is closely linked to concepts of cultural and media translation and framing. The aim is to transfer personal archives into new medial, cultural or social setting, where the acteurs gain at a deeper understanding of the constructiveness of their emotions and life realities.

More than 2oyears of Experience in cultural Theory and artistic Production in Dance, Performing Arts and theater

A new era has begun. Life Studies, Democratizing Aestetics.

I focus on the intensity of the social interaction. What is the special quality of our coming together? To what extent does this sense of belonging create an encounter, meaning and identity for the individual and the group.

how do you feel now? When did you be in a garden?

Memories of a summer#1, Nature

How do you feel in a garden at night?

Memories of summer#2, Nature

How does your body feel from inside?

Memories od summer# 3, Nature